
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Little Bear

Little Bear - 1999 - 2012

"Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our own lives."

John Galsworthy

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to our beloved Little Bear.

It was very hard.

She had been our wonderful companion for nearly 14 years. If you are loved by a dog, you know how we feel. And if you love a dog, you know how hard saying goodbye is.

I can hardly say her name. There are too many empty places. Walks to get the paper are sad. Whitey is listless and sleeps all the time.

It seems a cruel joke that those that give us so much love, live such brief lives.

But how empty life would be if we didn't experience the pure, innocent love and devotion of our animal companions.

And so we say goodbye with gratitude for the time we did have.

And although our hearts are heavy, we wouldn't have missed one minute of it for the world.


  1. Karen, I am truly sorry for the loss of your beloved Little Bear. Sigh.

  2. Thank you, Maureen for your comforting thoughts. xx

  3. What a noble dog Little Bear was. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know she loved you with all her big heart, and had the happiest possible life with you.

  4. Thank you, Christine for your kindness. xx

  5. I so understand what you are feeling. We lost our Prince Philip (Jillian named him that when she was 3 years old) of fifteen years over 4 years ago. The hole in my heart is still there, though time has given me less sorrow and more joy when I think about him. God bless you and Little Bear and ease the sorrow in your heart, Karen. <3


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen