
Friday, March 16, 2012

Erin Go Bragh - Ireland Forever!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick was born to Catholic parents about 385 in Britain. His father was a nobleman and deacon. But St. Patrick's privileged life came to an end at the age of 16 when he was captured by slave raiders from Ireland. With a large group of prisoners, St. Patrick was transported to Ireland to the then Pagan Ireland.

Sold as a slave to a king in the N.E., St. Patrick had the lonely task of tending the pigs and sheep. In the midst of these harsh living conditions, St. Patrick's faith flourished as he turned to God in prayer.

After being held captive for 6 years, he heard a voice in his sleep say, 'Your ship is ready.'

Trusting in God, he set out on a 200 mile journey through unknown territory. When he arrived at the ship, the captain at first refused to take him, but after St. Patrick prayed to God, the Captain reconsidered.
This began a lifetime of dedicating his life to being a priest. He returned to Ireland and for his 30 years there, he founded more than 300 churches.
St. Patrick died on March 17, 461.
Legend says that St. Patrick used the 3-leafed Shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity to unbelievers. This is why Shamrocks, now Ireland's national flower, are worn by the Irish on St. Patrick's Day.
May the love and protection
Saint Patrick can give
Be yours in abundance
As long as you live
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
In the palm of his hand.
May you live as long as you want
And never want as long as you live
Erin Go Bragh!


  1. Here are two for you in Gaelic, Christine!xx
    Some Irish Proverbs:

    "Maireann croi eadrom i bhfad."

    "Beag'an agus a ra' go maith"

  2. Hello - I tried to leave a comment and it seemed to have been swallowed up in the ether so apologies if this is a repeat!

    Thanks so much for your Irish proverbs! I try to have a happy heart, and as for the second proverb, I don't follow its good advice nearly as much as I should!

    I'd forgotten about St. Patrick using the shamrock to teach the Trinity. Isn't he supposed to have driven all the snakes from Ireland as well?

    I see we both have used the Irish Blessing in our posts. I love it.

    There's a wee something on its way to you in the post! xox

  3. Everybody gets to be Irish for a day... love your post!

  4. Hi Christine, I knew you would be able to read the Gaelic! My daughter was here today and was very impressed! (As am I) I do believe that St.Patrick is credited with driving out all the snakes!

    You are so sweet! Happy St.Patrick's day! xx

  5. Thank you, Madge, Hope your day was very green! xx

  6. I have to tell you that I got some help from "Maighstir Google" with the first saying - the second one is close enough to Scottish Gaelic for me to work out, but not the first one! So don't be too impressed.

  7. Sorry Christine, but I am still impressed, you are amazing! xx


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