
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter Day

It's been snowing here since Saturday. Just a little dusting here and there until yesterday.

That's when it decided to get serious. We have about 6 inches now. The forecast is for about a foot more tomorrow.

I'm starting to get a little bit of cabin fever.

I've been pet-sitting this little guy. His name is Lucky. He is still a kitten, but half grown. He's my son's and (hopefully) future daughter-in-law's cat. Did I say that? Oooops!

They are in Mexico with my oldest daughter and her husband on a much needed vacation. Wait until they get back and see what is waiting for them! A foot of snow that wasn't there when they left last Thursday.

When Lucky first came Wednesday night, he was terrified. He was ready to fight everyone. He's very feisty. He got himself all worked up, so I coaxed him upstairs while he hissed and spat at me. I set him up with all of his toys and food dishes and left him in the quiet rooms upstairs for as long as he liked. After a day, he decided to join the family. Now he is part of the gang and ruling the roost.

He's even staked out the most coveted spot in the house to sleep. Every day Ling Ling takes her nap here. She has been playing with Lucky since he came. We might kidnap him and hold him for ransom. We really love to watch him play. There's nothing like having a baby in the house. Even if it is a kitten.

We are all staying warm and cozy while it snows outside. Nobody knows how to get cozy like Maggie.

Baby, it's cold outside!

I might need something to warm me up inside!

Hubby has been working from home. He has a desk in our bedroom and an office upstairs, but he prefers the living room. He is constantly on his cell phone. He turns down the volume on the television and talks really loudly into his phone. When he is not on the phone he is on the computer.  So I have been finding projects to do elsewhere.

I started a new applique wall hanging.  It's for my kitchen. But it might take me a few days. As soon as I am done with it, I will share it with you with a little tutorial.

Do you have snow where you are? Are you working on a project?

Well, I had better get busy. The daylight only lasts so long this time of year and my eyesight isn't what it used to be!

I hope you are warm and cozy where you are!


  1. What a fabulous winter post! The snow looks beautiful, and everyone, including your husband, looks cosy and happy. (In our house, if you're warm enough with only socks on your feet in the winter, the heat needs to go off for a while!) Your feline visitor looks fun too. I'm glad he settled down. I like your "slip" about your future d-in-law!

    No snow here in Aberdeen at the moment. We had two very frosty, below freezing days, but it's milder today and sunny. My projects? Stay positive, help my daughter who's too unwell to be at school again today, work on a fiendishly difficult jigsaw puzzle [this can only be done in daylight hours], and knit! You saw my current rainbow project.

    I will get outside for some fresh air and a walk later on this afternoon. I can't believe we're more than half-way through January already!

  2. Hi Christine, first off, I am sorry to hear that your daughter is not feeling very well today. I'm sure that a day of jig saw puzzles in her loving home will set her right in no time!

    I love your project ideas, I can tell you have your priorities straight! It is difficult to stay positive during times of stress and I admire your resolve. Working on your fabulous rainbow sweater must help!

    Enjoy your day with your daughter and your walk. I am so happy that January is half over, too! xx


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