
Monday, January 30, 2012

A New Opportunity

I have been chosen as one of six reader columnists to the opinion - editorial page of The News Tribune newspaper in Tacoma, WA. !

I have been reading this newspaper since I was a young 20 - something when we moved here from Oregon.

I particularly enjoy the editorial page.

When I saw the announcement for new writers, I thought I would submit a couple of articles as a lark, just to see what would happen.

Hubby and 'the kids' were so encouraging.

When I received the call that I was one of 6 chosen, I was so excited!

As anyone who has been reading my blog knows, last year was a difficult year for me. This opportunity has come at a welcome time in my life. It gives me something positive to focus on, a way to move forward, to reach out to others.

This blog has helped me step outside of my sometimes isolated life, as a stay at home wife and empty nester, living on the edge of the wilderness. Losing my Mother last year and watching my Father's slow decline battling Alzheimer's has only added to the isolation. They lived but a stone's throw from me for the last 30 years.

Writing satisfies my need to connect with others, gives me a voice, allows me to share my little world here on the edge of the forest.

I hope you will join me on this Journey. Because it is all about the Journey, isn't it?

And to my small group of faithful reader's, Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate you.

(Read my column by clicking on the link at the top of the page)  


  1. (Apologies if this is a duplicate comment - the first one didn't go through for some reason.)

    What a wonderful piece! Congratulations - they made a good choice in picking you to write for them. My husband and I were reading it together at our computer in Scotland. I love that your husband is a "ditch-whisperer!" It's so true what you say, the weather is the safest topic of conversation but it also brings us together in unexpected ways.

    Last winter I was helping an elderly lady to cross a very snowy main street. About half-way across, the lights changed, and a bus began to inch nearer to us. (The driver had failed to notice that the lady wasn't going to leap, gazelle-like, across all the snow and onto the sidewalk.) I remember signalling him to stop. I felt so protective of her! It's the kind of closeness with a stranger that would only happen in bad weather, and how much closer does bad weather bring us to our neighbours?

    Well done, Karen! I bet your Mom is proud of you. You already have a voice, and it's lovely to read it in the newspaper as well as on your blog. Thanks xox

  2. Thank you, Christine, your opinion means a lot to me, coming from such an accomplished writer and professor. (And good friend)

    I love your story... another example of how we are all in this together!

    Thank you for your sweet comment about my Mom. It is my fondest wish. xx


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen