
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Sweet Hearts

Rambling Man is back from his trip to Montana. He told me he had a little present for me when he got home. I couldn't imagine what it might be. And then he held out his hand and presented me with this Heart Shaped Rock.

It was the sweetest little gift.

I asked him where he found it. He told me that he was standing outside the hotel talking with his District Manager, and there it was. I asked him, 'What did he think when you picked up a heart shaped rock and put it in your pocket?'

He said he just laughed.

My Rambling Man is his boss.

He also brought me home these unusual striped rocks. Because he knows I collect striped rocks. He is thoughtful and funny that way.
I still can't get the picture out of my mind of 'The Boss' picking up a heart shaped rock for his wife.
It is so sweet.

He gave me this one, not too long ago. It is smooth and grayish blue, with a little indentation at the top.

This all started a few years ago when he and my youngest son 'D' were building me a stone wall along the walkway. They would drive down to the river in the truck and gather rocks for the wall. That is when 'D' found the first heart shaped rock. He gave it to me for Valentine's Day.

Next came this one. 'D' gave this to me on Mother's Day that year.

'D' found three of them that year. He presented me with this one on my birthday. They all sit at the base of the cedar trees alongside the walkway. Every time I go past, I see these sweet sentiments.

Then Rambling Man started finding them, too. He found the small one and set it next to one of 'D's.

These sweet Humble offerings mean so much. These are my very special 'Precious Stones'.

'Sweet Hearts' from my Sweethearts.


  1. Those are priceless presents and speak volumes about your husband's attentiveness and his love for you. We'd all do well to look at the world through his eyes!

    You might enjoy the Random Hearts blog: She posts people's photographs of what you might call naturally occurring heart shapes.

    Thanks also, Karen, for your kind comments on my blog!

  2. You are welcome, Christine! Your blog is truly wonderful.

    Who knew there was a blog about heart shapes? Amazing! Thank you for sharing that! Now if I can just figure out how to link so I can post on her blog.... I am a little bit behind in my computer skills. Something else to ask my sons!

  3. Hi again Karen -

    I believe you can email her submissions directly? I didn't do the linking thing myself. Have a look again at her submission guidelines.

  4. What a wonderful and precious post. You brought tears to my eyes. These kinds of hearts ... brought to us FROM the heart ... are what brought about Guest Heart Thursday - I'm SO glad you joined in - even if I did cry a little!!! :=}

  5. Thank you, Clytie, I am honored to be a part of your beautiful blog! And thanks to Christine for bringing it to my attention! xx Karen


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