
Monday, August 22, 2011

A Daughter's Birthday Celebration

Over the weekend we celebrated our daughter 'H's 34th birthday. Our sweet daughter is not only the eldest in our family, but also the eldest Grandchild on both sides. When she was born, it marked the beginning of a new generation.

'A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future' - Author Unknown

Naturally we wanted her celebration to be special.

I worked all week, sewing tablecloths and garlands, tidying, shopping, cooking, decorating and wrapping for my special girl.

'A Mother's Treasure is her daughter' - Catherine Pulsifer

It was a beautiful day for a party!

I took a few precious moments to relax before everyone arrived. I reflected on how truly fortunate we are to have such a wonderful daughter. I thought of how quickly the time has passed since she was my little girl with bouncing golden curls and sea colored eyes, running in with a bouquet of wildflowers for me in her chubby little hands.


And now, so lovely and accomplished. She lights up a room when she enters with her beautiful smile. She is kind, strong, determined, cheerful, generous, and hard-working, with an amazing wit. She has the ability to turn anyone's most annoying trait into their most endearing, with her sunny and humorous perspective.

She is the perfect combination of girly-girl and tom-boy.
She has her own amazing style.

She's a role model for her siblings.

But we can't take credit for any of it.

She has been her own special person from the moment she was born. Her Father and I were simply there to fix the hurts and cheer her on.

And stand back and watch her blossom.

And so, we celebrated another precious year.

And we all made our wishes. That there are many more birthdays to come. That she knows how much we love her. That we never take her for granted.

Because that is how families are.

Tightly knit, but with different colored threads.

And her threads are golden.


  1. This is beautiful. Reminds me of how fast time flies and I will soon be talking about my little Ella in the same fashion. Thank you Karen!

  2. Time does fly, enjoy every minute! Thank you, Sarah! xx

  3. What a wonderful tribute to your daughter - both your lovely party, and your poetic post. Time does fly amazingly, but it's strange how I can still remember certain things of years ago so vividly - the feeling of my tiny daughter's feet in my hands, for instance.

  4. Thank you, Christine! Oh, yes, the tiny feet.... xxx


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